Superlight Aviator 150N Manual Aircrew Life jacket
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This manual inflating lifejacket is suitable for specialist uses for example use by private pilots and as an aircrew lifejacket.
The jacket is fitted with a manual only arming mechanism, making escape from a ditched aircraft possible before the jacket is inflated.
It offers manual inflation, through a British ‘United Moulders' inflator, with 33g CO2 cylinder. It also has the facility to manually top up air via a tube. Quick release buckle.
This jacket is suitable for offshore use. Designed to be comfortable to wear for aviation it is both lightweight and compact allowing good freedom of movement.
With 150 Newton’s of buoyancy this lifejacket conforms to European standard EN 396 and the new world standard ISO 12402-3. Officially classed as a lifejacket because it turns you into the upright position once in the water. This lifejacket is recommended for use by pilots and aircrew only.
Approximate weight 600g.
Sizes Available
One size suits adults up to 115kg. Maximum belt width 56 inches
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