Crewsaver Fitment Hammar M1A1 Standard Rearming Kit 60g - 2030 Expiry!
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This rearming kit will fit all 275N automatic jackets that use the Crewsaver hammar M1A1 automatic inflator.
The kit includes one replacement Hammar head, one 60g CO2 cylinder fitted to a new backing plate, fitting instructions and key.
*Note we are the only UK supplier who supplies the co2 cylinder fitted to a new backing plate, do not accept a kit without this part! Plus current stock has expiry date of 2025!
Our lifejacket cylinders are the very best available, they are zinc coated to reduce rust. Made in Germany or Japan.
These parts have a sell by / use by date - ours are guaranteed to be the freshest stock available in the UK. If you are unsure which rearming kit your lifejacket accepts please email us before ordering!
Customer Reviews
By Neil on 27th May 2021
"Replacement for out of date life jacket mechanism."

By Paul Dancy on 24th August 2020
"Really Pleased with this - excellent price for genuine Hammer and really quick to arrive - Thank You"

By Martin on 15th May 2017
"Was the right spare part for my Crewsaver lifejacket!"